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10 Day Online SELF-GUIDED DSMC Metta Retreat

  • 12 Days
  • 34 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Learn Metta or Lovingkindness using the "6Rs" refered to TWIM or Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation. ***ITS BEST TO START ON FRIDAY TO MATCH THE DAYS SUGGESTED. However you can work around it. This retreat is SELF CONDUCTED with no teacher guidance. You simply follow the meditation guidance and watch the videos and do the practice. There are no reports for you to submit. However you may send an email to and we will get back to you on urgent questions. ------------------------------------- We teach Metta, as part of the Brahma Vihara Practice, which does lead to the experience of Nibbana, as explained many times in the earliest Buddhist teachings. Most of the suttas we will use and follow are in the Majjhima Nikaya as translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi from Wisdom Publications. We are going to teach you what we believe the Buddha taught - as documented in the suttas themselves. Please open your minds and let go of other practices, as for many of you, this will be a new method. And it is going to take you places that you have always wanted to go but just didn't know how to get there! ​ You can only take one online retreat every 6 months. Staff is limited and we want to give everyone an opportunity to experience at least one retreat within a reasonable time. Follow this link for many more details To ask our TWIM Bot questions about your practice you can access that at: *Note - you need a premium Chat Gpt subscription to access. (sorry can't help this) Email for immediate advice if you have questions.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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