Mr. David Johnson has been in residence at DSMC since 2010. He is a long time senior student of Bhante Vimalaramsi and is author of "The Path to Nibbana"

David Johnson
David Johnson is a significant figure in the world of contemporary meditation practice, especially known for his association with Bhante Vimalaramsi. He began his journey into meditation during his college years in the transformative era of the 1970s. Johnson's initial experiences in meditation were with the Mahasi Style of Vipassana, where he participated in numerous 30-day and 90-day retreats.
In 2006, David's path intersected with Bhante Vimalaramsi at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center, marking a pivotal point in his spiritual journey. He was introduced to a distinctive meditation technique at this center, which led him to numerous retreats and profound insights. His dedication to this practice was so deep that he left a bustling career in Silicon Valley to relocate to St. Louis, fully immersing himself in the teachings and activities of the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center.
David has been a resident at the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center since 2010 and has been an active student of Bhante Vimalaramsi since 2006. He has authored the book "The Path to Nibbana" and co-wrote "A Guide to Tranquil Wisdom Meditation (T.W.I.M.)" with Bhante Vimalaramsi. Besides his writing contributions, David is also involved in managing and teaching online retreat programs, overseeing daily operations of the meditation center, handling webmaster and book publishing responsibilities, and producing video content.
His history includes engaging with several renowned meditation teachers, including Dipa Ma and Mahasi Sayadaw, and previously working under Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and U Silananda. David Johnson's journey in meditation and his contributions to the field, especially his role in bringing the teachings of Bhante Vimalaramsi and TWIM to a broader audience, are noteworthy. (Produced by Chat gpt)

Author of "The Path to Nibbana: The Progress of 'Mindfulness of Loving-kindness Meditation through the Tranquil Aware Jhanas to Awakening" 2017 - updated 2023 with new chapters. A complete Meditation Guide to TWIM.
David Johnson was also the Kappiya / personal attendant for Ven. Vimalaramsi. He did a temporary ordination under Bhante Vimalaramsi and put on the robes for 3 weeks as a samenera.
History- Details
David was a student of many Vipassana retreats using the Mahasi method from the age of 19 and is versed in the suttas and all areas of the Tripitaka. He spent nearly 30 years on and off retreat. He has done 10+ retreats with Bhante V. and been his student since 2006. (He now teaches retreats.)
He has archived video footage of and met personally Dipa Ma and Mahasi Sayadaw and previously meditated under Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield and U Silananda. He worked on a video project for Jack Kornfield. He has brought the footage of these great teachers to the internet for all to enjoy.
He was also a Meditation Center Retreat Manager for the Stillpoint Institute, a San Jose, California based Vipassana Center in the mid 70's. Here he assisted in the growth of the center and managed financial and administrative affairs. Interestingly he knew a tall gentleman at the center with long red hair who he would later study under: Bhante Vimalaramsi before he became a monk.
In the 1980's to 2010 he worked in the San Francisco Bay Area at a number of networking companies as a production and logistics manager. He decided to join Bhante in his mission to bring TWIM to the world in 2010 and moved to Missouri on a permanent basis.
You can contact him directly at david@dhammasukha.org.
Thanksgiving Retreat Nov 2017

Temp. Ordination 2013