Bhante Vimalaramsi Memorial Page
Bhante Vimalaramsi has passed away on June 27, 2023. He will forever be in our hearts and we will remember him and the 6R's!
He started teaching TWIM in 1995 and established Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center in 2003. From there he expanded to the large facility existing today plus all of the online programs.
Our Live Memorial Stupa Ceremony
Conducted Sept 23. 2023
Please tell us your story or comment about Bhante below:

Building a Stupa
We are building a Stupa for Bhante Vimalaramsi's Cremains and those of Venerable U Silananda.
The Stupa will be on a 10X15' slab standing about 6' tall.
The work is in progress
There will be an enshrining and ceremony led by Bhante Kusala on Sept 23, 2023.
Finished Sept 2023

Parinibbana Sutta DN16
27. "There are four persons, Ananda, who are worthy of a stupa. Who are those four? A Tathagata, an Arahant, a Fully Enlightened One is worthy of a stupa; so also is a Paccekabuddha,[49] and a disciple of a Tathagata, and a universal monarch.
28-31. "And why, Ananda, is a Tathagata, an Arahant, a Fully Enlightened One worthy of a stupa? Because, Ananda, at the thought: 'This is the stupa of that Blessed One, Arahant, Fully Enlightened One!' the hearts of many people will be calmed and made happy; and so calmed and with their minds established in faith therein, at the breaking up of the body, after death, they will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness. And so also at the thought: 'This is the stupa of that Paccekabuddha!' or 'This is the stupa of a disciple of that Tathagata, Arahant, Fully Enlightened One!' or 'This is the stupa of that righteous monarch who ruled according to Dhamma!' — the hearts of many people are calmed and made happy; and so calmed and with their minds established in faith therein, at the breaking up of the body, after death, they will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness. And it is because of this, Ananda, that these four persons are worthy of a stupa."
Dear Bhante: I never met you in person, but you remain a household word of wisdom, exploration, compassion, love, and strength. You had a powerful influence on my sons, Liam and Conor, for which I will be forever grateful. Because of you, Liam has been empowered to pursue his passion and dream of a life devoted to compassion, love, forgiveness, and teaching. His brother, Conor, has a new purpose and meaning in life that is centered on kindness, family, and purpose. You are a father, teacher, and mentor to my sons. You have been a gift.
Bhante, thanks for bringing the practice (back) in a way that actually works. Nibbana in this lifetime. And sometimes in seven days or less. Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.
A Tribute to Our beloved amazing meditation teacher Bhante Vimalaramsi Mahathera, who left us on June 27th 2023 while I was guiding a TWIM ten-day-retreat in Bali. He has left us the beautiful teaching of the Buddha, how to get off the wheel of samsara through his compassion and cracking of our cosmic eggs...
Scott McRae n I had known him since 2008 back in the US where we started doing TWIM retreats with him and which changed me to be a better person over time. As our teacher here in Indonesia for dhammatalks and retreats in various places and I translated for him and learned TWIM at his side until 2018.
Bhante pushed me to try teaching online retreats starting in 2012 and then started guiding weekend, 5 days, 7 days and then 10days retreats and many people are successful in their practices.
With Bhante's blessings, in 2015 I started teaching the assistant mentors in Indonesia so they can help teaching TWIM with Brahmaviharas so the teaching can spread and many people can experience highest happiness and reliefs...
Good bye Maha Guru, can't find the words to express my appreciation, gratefulness and thankfulness. Your legacy continues on...
May you reach final Parinibbana soon...
Brenda ie-McRae Indonesia
Dear Banthe and Sister Khema
I was fortunate enough to have met you both when you were here in sydney Australia in 2017. I am so thankful to the widsom kindess and compassion given to me. My time at the retreat and the tireless efforts of both Bhanthe and sister to help enlighten minds will always be with me. I Anamodhana my merits with Bhanthe Wimalaramsi and Sister Khema. 2 invaluable members of the Buddha Sasana. May they both attain the Supreme Bliss of Nibbana!
Dear Bhante! You were and still in my heart. The good you have brought to this world is huge and amazing. Thank you so much ❤️
Words can't express my immense gratitude and appreciation for your kind and compassonate guidance. Thank you Bhante for showing me the way to liberation! May you reach final Parinibbanna soon! 🙂
Dear Bhante, thank you for revealing the true Dhamma to us and showing us the way to liberation. How immeasurably fortunate we all were to encounter you in this existence.
Forever grateful, Franz Prantner, Austria
It is hard to think about what life would have been, without Bhante's wonderful teachings of Dhamma. I had heard for the first time someone talk about the experience of seeing the links of dependent origination after the experience of cessation. This marked wonderful beginning in my life to explore the teachings directly from the Suttas. It is because of sacrifices of great masters like Bhante the teachings are still found even after more than 2500 yrs of passing away of the Buddha. No amount of gratitude can repay this debt.
Few verses from Guru Stotram to covey my feelings.
My Salutations to that reverential teacher who revealed to me that timeless truth that pervades the entire universe.
My Salutations to that reverential teacher who opened my eyes, which were blinded by Ignorance.
My Salutations to that glorious teachers who is adorned with the garland of Knowledge and Wisdom and who grants both wordly prosperity and spiritual liberation.
My Salutations to the lotus-feet of such a reverential teacher who by imparting this knowledge can destroy the very bondage of actions accumulated over infinite lifetimes.
Om Shree Guruve Namah.
I felt a strong closeness to Bhante in my meditation this morning and was inspired to write this blog to honour the gifts of his teachings:
In Loving Memory of Bhante Vimalaramsi: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Stillness
This blog post is dedicated to the memory of Bhante Vimalaramsi, who passed away on June 27, 2023. Bhante Vimalaramsi was a remarkable teacher who introduced the transformative practice of T.W.I.M. (Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation) in 1995 and established the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center in 2003. It is with great reverence that I reflect on my experience of learning from him during a profound 10-day silent retreat in January 2022.
During a forest therapy session, I shared with the group how I've come to appreciate my anxiety as an invaluable early warning system, signaling that I must direct my attention to something in my life. As the wise Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh often said, "The way out is in" – the path to liberation from suffering lies within ourselves. To embark on this inner journey, I've realized the importance of finding stillness. This can take the form of a few minutes of seated meditation in the morning or immersing myself in the serene beauty of a forest. For me, turning inward involves sitting quietly and simply observing my thoughts without engaging in analysis or overthinking. I embrace the art of just being, with a gentle smile gracing my lips, as I tap into the peace within.
For most of my career, I lived life on auto-pilot, completely disconnected from my higher self. And because of this fast-paced outer world life, I lived with anxiety--a pain deep in my chest that was always there trying to tell me to pay attention. I ignored its call and just kept going through the motions of life until an experience in Bali awakened me to the possibility that there was a different way to be in this world. A way that is slower, simpler, more connected, and where I could take a deep breath without feeling pain in my chest. This was the start of a healing journey that included studying meditation with Kelly Smith, Mindful in Minutes, and eventually participating in an online 10-day silent retreat isolated in a small cabin in the woods.
The host of this vipassana was my Buddhist teacher, Bhante Vimalaramsi who asked me if I wanted to know the purpose of life. Who would say no to that offer? I said, "Yes, of course." His response surprised me. He said, "To be an observer." During the 10-day vipassana, I would begin to understand what he meant. In the stillness of meditation, I was able to observe my thoughts and I began to see the patterns of what I was fixating and ruminating over. The Buddhists call this clinging and craving. My thoughts were a non-stop list-making machine. To-do lists. Shopping lists. Things I wanted to tell my daughter, my friends. Over and over. Once I became aware of this pattern, I used a system Bhante developed based on Buddha's earliest teachings called the "6 Rs".
The “6R’s” training taught at Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center is a reclaimed ancient guidance system that evolves into one fluid motion becoming a new wholesome habitual tendency that relieves any dis-ease in mind and body.
1. Recognize
2. Release
3. Relax
4. Re-Smile
5. Return
6. Repeat
The "6 Rs" proved to be a transformative and holistic approach to healing the mind and body, evolving into a wholesome habit that brought ease and tranquility into my life.
While I do not claim to be an expert in T.W.I.M. meditation, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring this practice. You can find a helpful video introduction and all the retreat materials, including Bhante's daily readings of the suttas and enlightening Dhamma talks, on the Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center's website. If you wish to delve deeper or discuss my personal experience, I am more than happy to connect and share.
Bhante was a strong advocate for listening to one's intuition and seeking answers from within. "You are your own teacher," he would remind me. Nowadays, when that flickering feeling stirs in my chest, I know it's time to pause, breathe deeply, and turn inward. Embracing the stillness, I listen to my inner voice and ask my intuition, "What is disturbing me?" The answer always lies within, waiting patiently to be heard.
As we bid farewell to Bhante Vimalaramsi, let us cherish the timeless wisdom he imparted and continue our journey of self-discovery and tranquility. May his teachings guide us to be compassionate observers, nurturing a profound connection with our inner selves. In the stillness of our minds, we find the true essence of life.
Forever grateful, Monique Giroux, Canada
"May the beauty we love be what we do". "Keep smiling" schriebst du mir in mein Buch als ich dich 2008 auf dem Pauenhof bei Sonsbeck Germany kennen lernte. Ich habe danach noch zwei Retreats bei dir besucht und bin dir sehr dankbar für die gemeinsame Zeit in der ich sehr viel von dir gelernt habe. Das Lächeln einer Buddha Statue wird mich immer an dich erinnern. Möge das Glück der Befreiung dich jenseits von Zeit und Raum umarmen.