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Experiment with Jhana & Muse

An advanced California student of Bhante Vimalaramsi who practices TWIM  Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation using the Brahmaviharas as the object, agreed to be linked to a Muse Device to measure his brain waves and heartbeat during meditation. He is an expert at getting into and out of the Jhana states by using determinations. He jumps in and out of jhanas and we measure the resulting outputs.

A very special state which can only be attained by the most advanced state, is Nirodha. This is the cessation of mental activity for a prescribed time period. Craving, which is the cause of mental activity halts. Mind stops for some period of time and then starts again.  The heart beat is almost imperceptible for this time period and may only beat twice a minute. This will also be measured.

The Muse Device -  Website

What are the Jhanas -
TWIM Jhana vs
Concentration Jhana

Jhanas are Unification or Absorption States attained through meditation practice. There are eight levels that are mapped out in all Buddhist texts.Many methods are laid out as to how to attain these states.

The Jhanas here that are measured are not concentration jhanas, but rather jhanas attained through the practice of Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation which is based on the earliest Buddhist texts.  This meditation adds a "relax" or "tranquilize" step, as noted in the Satipatthana Sutta and the Anapanasati Sutta. In the texts the meditator is advised to tranquilize the bodily and the mental (thoughts) formations. This is a specific action and not just a general relax step. It is a special way to remove hindrances and bring the mind to a unified state.  See 6Rs

The Student

The Student measured is a very advanced student of Bhante Vimalaramsi from California who has been practicing since 2016 and has shown an amazing natural meditation ability. He first mastered Kriya Yoga when he was young and then started practicing TWIM on an Online Retreat offered by Dhamma Sukha. His progress was extraordinary and he progressed to the highest levels of practice. He has mastered "Determinations." This is a process whereby the student can determine which Jhana and how long they determine to stay in it. They can also jump around the Jhanas for prescribed time periods.

RESULTS - Verified by several scientists that this is not to an equipment malfunction.

Above the student enters into Nirodha Cessation state Dec 2019. It shows a cessation of mental activity ​from 8:44 to 8:50 am

RESULTS - Verified by several scientists that this is not to an equipment malfunction.


Above the student enters into Nirodha Cessation state Dec 2019. It shows a cessation of mental activity ​from 8:44 to 8:50 am

Short Cessation


Student enters into a very short cessation at 5:53 am

Heart Beat Stops

Here the student goes from 8th Jhana to Cessation and back again- He notes Muse stops recording as no heartbeat is present!  Clearly there is 1:20 gap (One minutes, 20 secs) where the heat doesn't beat.


Student went into the 4th Jhana for 15 minutes

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